Confusion in The Fall
When you read The Fall, you enter Madeline Usher’s mind.
Madeline Usher is mad, she’s confused, she’s prone to fits, her entire life is
a centered around the struggle to make sense of what’s going on around her,
both in the house of Usher and in her head. From first draft, my goal in the
Fall is for the reader to feel off-balanced, to experience life as Madeline
sees it.
Don’t expect her story to be an easy read. If you feel
confused, then you’ve felt a little, a fraction, of what Madeline experiences.
The story is told in bursts of memory. Madeline is in the
coffin. Her life is flashing before her eyes. In each scene there is a memory
trigger, so in one scene there might be a mention of the pocket watch, in the
next, whether it goes forward in time or back, if the pocket watch is the
trigger, it will be in the next scene, the connection between that scene and
the next might be a room, or a person, a comment, or another object, but each
scene is connected in Madeline’s mind.
Each age does proceed chronologically, so once you read
something in Madeline’s 9th year, you will not read something that
happened previously when she was 9 years old. I have a very detailed calendar,
which includes each year of the story, and when WITHIN that year the events
take place, to be sure that the time of year details (leaves falling, spring,
etc) is correct. I also have a chronological and color coded version of the
book to be sure that every event happens chronologically, even though their
introduction (in the book version) may not be chronological. In reading the book the reader should be off balance, things should be
odd, and later you realize where they came from or what significance they have.
If you try to impose logic on Madeline’s world, you may end
up as frustrated as she is. There are rules to Madeline’s world, but she
doesn’t fully understand them, so it’s possible the reader won’t understand,
either. The book was very carefully planned and organized, over several years,
and dozens of drafts. That doesn’t mean that all readers will
like it, or even that they should, every reader is different and comes to each
book with different expectations and desires.
Oh, and one last thing, there are no chapters in The Fall.
There are scenes, and each one is numbered and starts with Madeline’s age. I’m
sorry that Kindle and other e-readers choose to label the scenes as chapters,
but that isn’t something I have any control over. J