Want one of the first ARCs of Masque of the Red Death? Read on....
Okay so, it's that time of year...Thanksgiving. One of my favorite holidays because it's relaxing and no-one gives my kids gallons and gallons of candy (we still have a huge Halloween stash, and I actually just found and threw away a sad half eaten Easter bunny). The trees have lost their leaves, and the weather is getting genuinely cold (I heard a rumor about snow soon, but I'm ignoring it).
And at Thanksgiving, the tradition is to...give thanks? So that's what I'm going to do today. Sitting in my favorite chair with my space heater at my feet...I am thankful for my books...
Most of my books are actually in storage from when we were "staging" our house, so what you are seeing is my TBR stacks, my recently read stacks, the complete series of the X-files...a few albums owned by my husband, and our "classic" shelves. Which aren't classics to most people, just to us.
I am so so so thankful for books. Most of the periods of my life that I consider most bleak are times when I did not have time to read. I need books.
One thing I realized as I was composing this, is that I have trouble gushing about books. I want to keep using the phrase blew me away, because a really good book just makes me forget everything, I can't put it down. I lose track of the world around me. And yet, describing that, it comes across a little flat.
Anyway, here are some books I'm thankful for...
Flowers for Algernon- It was a book that made me look at the world in a different way, it forced you to walk in someone else's shoes.
The Giver- It seems lots of YA writers were inspired by The Giver, at least I see the influence everywhere, it was just one of those books that blew me away.
The Time Traveller's Wife- Another book that blew me away, so imaginative, and so...evocative, and so contemporary in so many ways.
The Witching Hour- I love so many Anne Rice books, but the history in The Witching Hour and Lasher made me appreciate a different type of storytelling...
The Far Pavilions by MM Kaye- this isn't my usual type of book, I think it's considered a romance? It was a historical romance that I read as a teen, one of those sweeping can't put the book down experiences.
Looking for Alaska- this and Speak were the first YA books that wowed me, every line seemed to be pure genius.
The Road- yes it's bleak. Yes, there are scenes that still haunt me, but the writing, omg. Has any writer ever described horror so beautifully?
Okay, so tell me a book that you are thankful for, and maybe follow my blog (I don't post much, but when I do, it can be interesting...maybe?) Anyway, post and I'll sign you up for a chance to win the ARC. The contest lasts all week, and I'll draw the winners name, probably on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and mail it out the next monday! International entries are fine.
Here's what you would be winning...
There may be a few of these out in the wild, but very few. You'd be one of the first to get one!!!!
Labels: ARC, books, Masque of the Red Death, thankfulness