Summer Reads...want a copy of Handcuffs?

I'm interrupting my series of posts on Gothic Literature to give away some books! Edited to add that I'm writing about Gothic because my new manuscript is Gothic...Handcuffs is actually realistic contemporary...see my website for a description/excerpt).
None of my adorable little copies of Handcuffs have ever gotten to go to the beach, but I'm pretty sure that someone somewhere might find it enjoyable summer reading.
Give me a comment to let me know how much you want one or where you're going to read it this summer...(and if you aren't following my brand new blog, maybe you could sign on for that, too?) I'm going to give away five of them!!!!
Winners will be announced on Tuesday Night! ETA, obviously these will all be signed. But I have to warn you, my signature won't make you much money on ebay :) Also, I changed the winners announcement from Sunday (gonna be at my dad's) to Tuesday after Teaser Tuesday!
Labels: beach, bethany griffin, give away, handcuffs, paperback, summer reads
I just signed up to follow your blog, and I'd love to win a copy of handcuffs. I'm all about Gothic lit, so if there's anything in it of that nature, it'll be right up my alley.
melissa {at} yabookshelf {dot} com
Handcuffs is actually realistic contemporary, little bit edgy. You can read an excerpt on my website if you want.
My new book, and new manuscript are both Gothic, but neither are sold yet.
I have your book on my wishlist on Amazon, but I haven't had a chance to buy it. *pouts* I'll be doing a lot of reading this summer. *gives bethany puppy dog eyes* :D
I've been dying to read Handcuffs, but haven't been able to buy it. I read the sample chapters on Amazon and fell in love. I've been on a huge contemporary kick ever since reading Courtney Summers' books and I think Handcuffs will be just as good. I'll be reading all summer up in the mountains in northern AZ, probably by the lake or maybe even in the woods.
I want one!! And I'm going to the beach next week, so not quick enough to read it there, but we do have a family reunion in Arkansas. I'll read it there to escape the family when I need to. ;-)
Amanda Plavich (since I have to use my old google account - get thee a Name/URL option, lady!)
Talk about a book that sucks you in and you never forget it? I haven't read Handcuffs, YET, but I can tell from just the synopsis that I will never forget it.
If I win this I will read it out on the dock. I live at Lake Norman and sitting on the dock or boat, just floating in the water, is where I love to read the most.
I'll take a picture with the book (if I, ya know, win one of these puppies. And if I don't win, when I go buy one.) to show you what I mean.
It's absolutely peaceful and makes reading that much more magical. Like you are in your own bubble.
--Courtney Rae--
Sounds like a good read for a flight to California for SCBWI LA to me ;)
I've already read it but I'm willing to re-read it because I enjoyed it! It's just the perfect bedtime reading I need. :D
It's actually winter here in Australia but I live @ the beach (a five minute walk away) and it's not all that cold, we're still in t-shirts in the daytime. I know what you mean about beach reads being a book that interests you :)
And I'm intrigued by your gothic MS :)
p.s. you dont have to enter me in - being overseas and all :)
I don't mind sending one (possibly two) out internationally!
I'll be posting more about my Gothic MS this week!
I reads the Handcuff excerpt and I so didn't want it to end. What's been more agonising is that it ain't available at my local bookstore :(
Kickass contemporary is right up my alley and now that I have to babysit my brother throughout this summer, I could do with a good book for company.
Please, please let me win *falls on knees and begs*
I would love a copy :) The place that I would be reading it would be in my lawn chair in the back yard while my toddler splashes in his tiny kiddy pool lol. Vacation is out of the picture unfortunately. I'd love to get my mind off of that.
I would really LOVE to have a copy if you don't mind sending it to international reader, like me :)
And because you are a new for me Author, i would really like to have one your works :)
uniquas at ymail dot com
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